1. Can I buy Katrina’s books from Apple iBooks, Google Play, Nook etc?Sorry, you can only buy Katrina’s books from Amazon as she has an exclusive contract. You don’t need a kindle to read her books though. You can download a kindle app onto just about any device to read her eBooks.
2. Are the books available as paperbacks?
Most of Katrina’s books are available as paperbacks, once again through Amazon. You simply order the book you want and Amazon prints it off and delivers it to you.
3. How will I know when Katrina’s new books are being released?
That’s easy, sign up to the email list and we’ll email you when new books are released.
4. Are you impatient and want the next book NOW?
The more sales Katrina makes, the more time she has to write books for you. Please tell your friends about your favorite books. Contact Katrina if you would like to be a part of her Street Gang to help her market her books. Our Street Gang members will often receive new releases as gifts. Katrina loves her book fans! You can also help her by leaving reviews.
5. Want to join Katrina’s Street Gang?
Email Katrina at katrinakahler.com and tell her about yourself. She would love to hear from you.